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One Among Many

In light of the pandemic I have opened a Facebook page under the title, “One Among Many”. You are welcome there! The posts are...


Afflictions have no boundaries and come in many forms, ultimately they manifest physical pain and or mental distress. Recognize that evil...


I heard a wonderful sermon Sunday that brought home a specific passage. We are yoked to Christ and He with us. As we walk and work...


Our desire for strength can be found in knightly fashion. We are to be strong in the Lord and put on the full armor of God. He arms us...

Our Intercessor

In those moments of life that leave us dumb-founded and questioning why, the Spirit is fully aware of the details. He knows what weakens...


Are you a slave to anything? We may not even recognize our sin, it takes study, prayer and reflection. Purging ourselves of life long sin...


Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We can rejoice in our...

Sunday Morning Worship

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, he heavenly host: Praise Father, Son,...

Children of Light

We are instructed to walk as children of light, surround yourself with people that are going to support you. Changing your lifestyle can...

New Self

Our faith and truth in Christ is what compels us to put off our old self that which is corrupt, impure, deceitful, our former manner of...

Our Fortress

In our sorrow, heartaches, temptations, and trials we have so much to be thankful for. We were created by a heavenly father who is hands...


Psalm 63:1 O God, you are God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you as in a dry and weary land where...

Our Helper

Ask, give ear to my prayer, attend to me, answer me, David’s heart and prayers went up to the Lord what a wonderful example he is for us....


Envy is both a noun and a verb. We feel envy when we envy what someone else has whether large or small. In my weakness I have on...


The journey of trauma recovery has no set schedule. You may be just beginning the healing process or finally feeling relief from the on...

Inward Being

Who can we go to with our shame and guilt? As abuse survivors our head tells us we are not to blame our acceptance takes time. Accept...


Our heavenly Father’s desire for communion with us and love was so great, his mercy so deep that he sacrificed his own Son for us. We...

Unanswered Prayer

The will of God sometimes is a mystery and a difficult pill to swallow. Jesus teaches us to pray, "Thy will be done". Not only is...

Red Letters

Soothing words and situations, where are they to be found? I found great comfort in the direct words of Christ which can be found in the...


So many things in life can create anxiety. Seek refuge in the Lord. Quiet time and prayer bring clarity. When you focus on the Lord...

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